Travelites ' additional updates for the new season

We cordoned off a section of the front of the property adjacent to the shade garden and named it Serenity Park. There are now flowering trees, bushes and plants planted adding to the 25+ flower gardens. There are also picnic table/benches, large rocking chair, rocking bench, a storage box/bench for all the cushions. There is also screening from the driveway.

We have added and rearranged some of the outdoor furniture at the shade garden. I put up many photos on the Retreat's website.
We have also added 2 buildings with overnight accommodations. Turned the porch bedroom into a reception area and shop.

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RE:Travelites more updates

The full bed in the Dorm Bldg had its first visitors from Rhode Island, on their way to FL. It was a lovely 2 days. The bunk bed arrived and will also be in the Dorm Bldg. Bldg. 6 is on the way for its preview shortly. We have added real stairs to this building and a boardwalk is being built to safely to the clubhouse or any other location. The "park" area is set up with large rocking chair and rocking bench along with a picnic table and 5 frost proof gardenias. The daffodils are in full bloom. The quince and a vine are now in bloom between the pool and clubhouse.

We are continuing to enlarge and add flower beds to several areas. Looking forward to when the temps are consistently in the 60s and above.

We have welcomed several first timers; they will be back.

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