Bonfire -- Men Only -- Platonic -- Nudity Required

Bonfire at my place as soon as the trees are covered in leaves
Springfield MO Area
Send me a private message if you'd like additional information

~ Men Only
~ Male Bonding
~ Male Camaraderie
~ Platonic
~ Strictly Nudist

I'll provide:
~ Mexican-style chip dip
~ Corn chips
~ Homemade flour tortillas
~ Mexican beer: Dos Equis and Corona
~ Sliced limes
~ Marshmallows to roast

What to bring:
~ Something to eat and drink; Mexican themed preferred
~ Outdoor camping type chair; I have a few
~ A male friend or two

If you don't live close enough to make the round trip in one day, spend the night. I have plenty of sleeping accommodations. Two bedrooms, two couches, two recliners, two large air mattresses, blankets, pillows. Or, bring a tent and campout. Additionally, I have lots a bath towels and two showers.

Breakfast the next morning will be scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee, and whatever is left over from the night before.

* Nudity required
* Platonic
* Clothing not permitted; no spectators allowed; if you get cold, go inside or move closer to the fire.
* We are all men
* Do not be ashamed or embarrassed about being a man
* We all have cocks and balls
* Your cock, whether big or small, thin or fat, curved or straight, grower or shower, cut or uncut, light or dark, flaccid or hard, young or old, hairy or smooth, is your cock and it is good
* We all drip pre-cum (just don't get it on the furniture)
* We all have erections
* If you pop a boner, it's no big deal; show it off if you want, no one will care
* If you're outside and need to piss; the world is your urinal; enjoy; mark your territory; but don't piss on my flowers or baby trees
* Platonic
* Nudity required


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Once the trees are covered in leaves (for added privacy), I'll be having a bonfire for men only. I'm about 20 miles NE of Springfield MO. If you're interested, drop me a private message here on TN.

Someone on this board had a similar event with the understanding that anyone who attended would lock all of their clothing in their car when they arrived and leave it there until they went home.
Is that a possibility for this event also?

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Someone on this board had a similar event with the understanding that anyone who attended would lock all of their clothing in their car when they arrived and leave it there until they went home.Is that a possibility for this event also?I hadn't thought of that, but this is specifically a nudist event -- it's not clothing-optional. If someone is not comfortable being nude, this in not their event.

I know of at least one guy who would have difficulty with the "lock your clothing in the car" part. When he comes to my place, he drives over nude. No clothing to lock anywhere.

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Someone on this board had a similar event with the understanding that anyone who attended would lock all of their clothing in their car when they arrived and leave it there until they went home.Is that a possibility for this event also?I hadn't thought of that, but this is specifically a nudist event -- it's not clothing-optional. If someone is not comfortable being nude, this in not their event.I know of at least one guy who would have difficulty with the "lock your clothing in the car" part. When he comes to my place, he drives over nude. No clothing to lock anywhere.

I asked the other host if anyone tried that, but didn't get an answer.

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When he comes to my place, he drives over nude. No clothing to lock anywhere.I asked the other host if anyone tried that, but didn't get an answer.And he's ok with walking nude from his vehicle to my front door.

When the trees are covered in leaves, that's no big deal at all. But when the trees are bare, it can be a bit dicey -- just have to keep an eye out.

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When he comes to my place, he drives over nude. No clothing to lock anywhere.I asked the other host if anyone tried that, but didn't get an answer.And he's ok with walking nude from his vehicle to my front door.When the trees are covered in leaves, that's no big deal at all. But when the trees are bare, it can be a bit dicey -- just have to keep an eye out.

Do you ever visit him at your place?
If so, do you leave all of your clothing at home when you do?

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I've never been to his place. His wife is also a nudist but due to some bad experiences (un-authorized photography) she no longer does social nudism. I'm not sure how his place is set up and whether it would be ok for me to arrive nude.

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OK. It's finally warm and the trees almost completely covered in leaves.

The bonfire is set for Friday 18 June 2021.

Bonfire to be lit at 18:00 -- 6 pm.

This is rain or shine. If it's raining, we'll just stay inside. Will light the bonfire if at all possible even if it is raining.

If you'd like to attend and want contact information, send me a PM here on Truenudists.

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