Christian and gay my video diary of faith and love

Gday community from long term Christian nudist and over past year a Patreon nudist with short and long films about daily life establishing a conservation forest adjoining a national park in Australia. It was established in 2016 where I released a 14 episode series covering the first year, on Facebook Watch: #FridayFeature fully clothed.

After that year, fours years went by that only now I have compiled into a brand new Vimeo Video On Demand series called Nudist Conservation Forest Diaries and Continuation of Nudist Conservation Forest Diaries, chapters 2 & 3 with the rest in post production, coming soon included with Continuation purchase. With time, buy & rent price will increase as more content is added then filmed fresh if this goes well.

The series is mainly the wildlife and nature in real and adjusted time speeds. No music, just the sounds of nature with commentary and behind the scenes reality story of my life. Its where being Christian and lGBt meet. The challenges of both are the foundations of strength in Him who has always been and always will be. Who loves me (like you) enough to see me through the darkest of valleys in life and fill the void of loneliness when social isolation isnt by choice or Covid.

This place in time, doing what Im doing has been a twenty year ( minus 7 weeks at time of posting) passionate project of dedication and trust each day leads to another day towards reaching a goal Im on the edge of, the financial growth reward and wings to His word. That will simply fund more bigger & better of the dream that was, and what is yet to come. A shared open video diary of my naked world, as it happens and shortly thereafter.

Belonging to this group of likeminded nudists is perfect sounding ground. The latest series are just under two hours each, enough to pass an afternoon or long night to let your mind escape to Solomon Forest Campground for nudist males, of just one.

Im looking forward to hearing how the world accepts it or not. So far, good love count! Thanks for taking your time to read this whole blurb. Please feel free to share these videos to those you think might be interested. I also have other short nudist videos that you might be interested in. Proceeds support carbon sequestration & native wildlife, yes I benefit by the upgrades too being nude and transparent.
Enjoy each trailer because your likes count to nudist Christian acceptance. Wearing the full armor of God, not just talking about it. Thank-you!

Cheers for earths success together!
Hugs, Christian.

Vimeo profile:

In order of release to the public. All and much more available on

P.S. TrueNudists got a shout out!

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