RE:Burning Clothes

That's absolutely false. It's in complete balance. Absolutely every bit of the carbon dioxide consumed and every bit of oxygen released while a plant in glowing is reversed when the plant rots or is burned. That's inarguable scientific fact. Go look it up.If this were not the case, then the ecosystem would need a constant external supply of carbon dioxide. There is no such external supply. The world would have run out of carbon dioxide a long time ago and everything would be dead.Sorry you've been lied to. Sorry you believed the lie.

I have looked it up and and studied as Im I kind of science geek when it comes to this kid of stuff and you are incorrect. If you were to say carbon instead of carbon dioxide or gasses you'd be somewhat correct. There is a carbon cycle but it includes sugars, organic materials in soils and rocks etc. Again, heres one of many places with information

Your biggest falsehood is the one about earth being carbon dioxide deficient. I will again point you to one of the very many places pointing out carbon dioxide levels have not been this high in at least over 800,000 years and most alarming is the rate of increase. Due to the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the oceans are becoming more acidic as they absorb some of the increase. Go to a university with an atmospheric science department, nasa, noaa, or probably a school science fair and youll see how wrong you are. Ill throw it back at you, go look it up.

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RE:Burning Clothes

When I read that and realise that there are people who believe that I fear for the future of our children.

The earth's ecosystem is seriously carbon dioxide deficient. If it is possible to get it back to optimum levels, then we'll see such horrible things as a loss of deserts, an extinction of droughts, and a severe deficiency of famines. The planet will be overwhelmed by lush plant and tree growth. Farmers will be devastated by being able to grow 3, or perhaps 4, times the amount of crops on the same amount of land within the same amount of time.

At no time before we can inform us about every scientific knowledge like today. Why we believe on every self-appointed world declarer instead of a serious scientist. Maybe the world declarer have the easy answers. And we all search for easy answers in a more complicated world.

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RE:Burning Clothes

Cut all underwear up in to shop rags years ago.

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