When Do I Wear Shoes

I was recently cutting some already dead trees into firewood. The property owner had pushed the trees over a couple of years ago and wants them hauled off. His property has thorny plants growing on it. As much as I prefer to be barefoot, I'm not walking through thorns and shredding the bottoms of my feet just so I can say I was barefoot. For the most part, I've taken care of the thorny plants on my property and and essentially never wear shoes regardless of what I might be doing.

If it's cold enough out to make my feet numb and I'm going to be outside for very long, I'll wear some sort of shoe. I ended up with a lot of neuralgia and neuropathy on the bottoms of my feet from having walked on/in ice and snow. It has mostly gone away and I'd like to keep it that way.

I don't live in Phoenix. The asphalt here may get pretty warm, but usually not sear-the-skin-off-the-bottom-of-your-feet hot. Can usually make it from cool spot (white paint stripe) to cool spot quickly enough.

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