RE:No deodorant

I eat pretty healthy, and I still use deodorant. I fear how my armpits will smell especially if I have been eating a lot of onions. I mean they do say that you are what you eat lol. But I would love to find a more natural means of protecting myself from BO. I like the idea of using baking soda...b.s. can be used for so many things.

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RE:No deodorant

I have never use any deodorant, never in my life. I may be lucky with no BO as you anglophne say. Of course I take a shower everyday, before going to be (I sleep naked), and quickly in the morning. I would only use natural (organic) product if i had to. sometime after shaving my face I use some natural "after shave", but not always. My son use a lot of deodorant, and I cannot convince him to do otherwise. My wife has never use any deodorant, but Channel 5 on her neck.

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RE:No deodorant

I had issues not with the deodorant but the anti-perspirant products. Skin irritation, rash etc. The anti-perspirant products close or clog pores to prevent sweat and are extremely difficult to wash off. Once I quit those and went to a plain deodorant only no more problems. Deodorant prevents odor but doesnt necessarily prevent sweat. People often lump the two things together but they are really different products.

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