Hello there

Yesterday while Diane, our son Thomas and myself were standing on a wooden platform much like a miniature boardwalk that the owners had built running along the beach a snake about 3 1/2 foot long slithered out from under the wooden structure to say hello. Since we were in southern Michigan we didnt fright knowing that in al probability it most likely was harmless. It was our sons first encounter with such a creature not within an enclosed glass confine. Im sure thatll be an experience while being nude at a resort well never forget.

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RE:Hello there

So brave
I'd have to admit if I see a snake of any kind I can not get away fast enough.

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RE:Hello there

LOL. Us being in Michigan was the only reason we didnt act like you stayed. Ive been a Civil War buff for a long time and when visiting Civil War Battlefields in the south we were always on the lookout for them. Once after walking through the Chancellorsville Battlefield and then driving away a snake about 5 feet long slithered across the road about 100 ft. In front of us. A man that was standing on the wooden structure with us at Turtle Lake saw it and said you should see the snapping turtles here, theyre huge! Thanks again for your reply. We dearly appreciate your participation and views.

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RE:Hello there

Living in Australia we encounter a lot of snakes, they are everywhere. As a general rule you leave them alone they leave you alone. One of the funniest encounters I have had with a snake was at a beach in one of our National Parks. I was walking to the water nude over sand watching the waves looking for the best spot to go in when the wife starts yelling. At first I thought she spotted a shark then I realised she was yelling snake. I looked down and saw this very angry 2 metre snake in front of me. At this point I realised what type of snake it was (Coastal Taipan) and did the best long jump I have ever done to get over the cranky bugger. Once I was out of its way it continued across the beach to the bush on the other side.

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