No profile in chat

Given that there are several people in the chat room naked I dont think members should be allowed to enter without a profile name, description and photo. Many of these no profile individuals come into the chat room and make rude comments or suggestions. They often lurk for long periods of time. It makes no sense. What do other members think who have taken the time to set up a proper profile.

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Proper profile

I agree, people don't need to have sleezy names!
You should only be here if you are a true nudist.. if you want sex & perversion go elsewhere!

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RE: No profile in chat

Nicedad, I could put much more credence in your post, were it not for the semi-erection photos in your profile! They are not in the mainstream way of nudist thinking, very much against it.
And will earn you a well deserved flagging from some quarters.
There are here good nudists who cannot afford to be 'seen' in public, are we to eject them along with the undesirables?
If you remove your blatant photos I am sure you will recieve less attention - but is that what you want?

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RE: No profile in chat

Given that there are several people in the chat room naked I dont think members should be allowed to enter without a profile name, description and photo. Many of these no profile individuals come into the chat room and make rude comments or suggestions. They often lurk for long periods of time. It makes no sense. What do other members think who have taken the time to set up a proper profile.
Over the last month or so I have been amazed at the increasing number of new members who have joined the site and who have no completed profile, yet straightway, within seconds it seems of joining the Truenudist Site, they head for the Chatroom. If you go into the Database Search facility under 'Nudists' you will see many new members with nothing about them other than a Username! Whether this should be cause for concern I don't know!
On another nudist site I inhabit it is in the rules that you must (1) complete the profile (a photo is optional) and (2) introduce yourself in the new members section. Untill these are satisfied you are not allowed further access to the site. Part of the problem though is that when folks do fill out details they are sometimes totally meaningless. Instead of a city or town in the location space there are a list of seemingly random letters. Also when I first joined the site I thought it was a real freak show, with the number of women wh measured 4ft 1 inch; that was untill someone explained that 4.1 is the default setting. Then it made sense.

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