September 16th 17th and 18th, the last event of this season

September 16th 17th 18th, this is the one we're calling Sex Whacks.
This will be the last weekend event of this season. And we don't plan to have any open weekends until June or July of next season, 2023..... We have plans for improvements this winter but they will likely drag on into the spring, mostly the new pool area, which will be a steel wading pool with a heater under it. And we have another project of an atv, Jeep hiking trail, it's about 4 MI long and it'll go through the private underpass of the railroad and skirt around the fence line of the pasture property, opposite side of the railroad tracks from the club, and we're going to call it Silk Road.. it's a rugged Jeep trail that goes through the ravines, and past several ponds. And I imagine some will also camp in that area too, would be a nice place for a naked rugged adventure.

Amy is still building a map of the Club and the adjoining property. We will post it here when we get it done. This all dovetails with the new plan of next season having one open/event per month, and each will be a 3 Day weekend..

So if you're a Reserve Member and you'd like to get in on the last event of the season, go ahead and get registered for the September 16th 17th and 18th, you can do that on the website, also let me know if you have questions. If you're a full member RSVP if you want us to save a campsite for you, the last event we almost ran out of campsites.

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