Interesting quote

Here is an intriguing passage I found in the Gospel of Thomas:

Jesus said, do not be worried from morning until evening and from
evening until morning about what you will wear.

His disciples said this: Upon which day will you be revealed
to us? And upon which day will we behold you?

Jesus said this: When you strip yourselves naked without
being ashamed, and you take your garments and put them on the ground beneath your
feet, like those little children, and you trample on them, then you will behold the
son of the Living One, and you will lose all your fear.

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RE: Interesting quote

thanks for sharing this lovely words!!

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RE: Interesting quote

This is a good quote and is further evidence that nudity and living naked and natural isn't against the will of God. In fact I have a suspicion that God would prefer we spent less time concerned with what we wear or physical possessions and spent more time developing our spiritual lives and love for one another. I would like to see a day when we can leave our clothes at home and go worship in the church or gathering of our choice, leaving all the trappings of status, class, position, wealth or lack of it, behind. Another story in the bible states that David danced naked before the lord. There was no concern that modesty was a problem, that one has to be dressed all the time in order to be modest. Some of the most immoral people in this world would never dream of being seen naked, a famous quote says, tis neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so, in other words it is not nudity that makes us immoral, it is our intent.There are more quotesfrom Jesus on this subject in Christian Gnosticism, I think in bible times nudity was so common that it was practically a non issue, look at the Greeks, the Romans with their baths. For most people in the empire there was no central plumbing, you would have had a real problem staying clean if you were worried about being seen naked! There was no option but to bathe in the public baths.Anyhow this is my rub on the spiritual life and nudity, there is no question that this fear of being naked or seen naked is a man made phobia. Its time to get beyond this silliness and grow! I for myself would rather see other people naked too....and I think they would feel better and be a lot happier too!

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RE: Interesting quote

Yes, thanks for sharing and if I could go to church just dressed in my birthday suit, I would rather willingly attend.

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