A little Trivia

I thought I would try out a trivia game. I will put up a reasonably easy question, and after a while, I will give answer. Maybe we can make it into a game with points (all for fun, of course). I will let the one who started this group.
What Type # is the Doctor's TARDIS?

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RE: A little Trivia

correct. How about this... What was the VERY first Doctor Who story featuring the sonic screwdriver?

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RE: A little Trivia

K-9 was first introduced in "The Invisible Enemy" which featured the 4th Doctor (Tom Baker) and Leela (Louise Jameson). I think the Sonic Screwdriver (now called the "sonic") was to help re-introduce the show to everyone. You were correct about "Fury..."
Next: Match the item with the Doctor it's most related to... Bessie, scarf, 500 Year Diary, ring, celery, questionmark umbrella, cat pin. (This only involves first 7 Doctors)

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RE: A little Trivia

Another q while waiting for answer on last one...
What aliases were used by the Doctor, Steven and Dodo in "The Gunfighters"?

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RE: A little Trivia (and a little off topic)

Next question: In "The War Games", what were the machines called that transported people into the different Zones? (hint: not quite a TARDIS, but close)

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