Most Exercise is Symmetrical

When I do Olympic weightlifting (snatch, clean & jerk) and powerlifting (squat, bench press, deadlift), everything is symmetrical. It is squared off and never goes to the side. For most who lift weights and exercise, it is the same. Most of our exercise is in a frontal plane (coronal). It avoids the sagittal (side) and transverse (up-down) planes. Yoga works every plane and movement in our bodies and even adds a 3D plane. It adds twisting. And for that matter, it adds inversions (upside-down). I can go into much greater detail about all of these aspects. But as a personal note, I had back pain since wrestling in high school and rucking heavy packs in the Army. I got to the point where I would be literally crawling to the bathroom with intense pain. I couldn't even get off the couch by myself. The doctors recommended surgery. Yoga solved all of those problems. I now have zero back pain. It is all those little muscles in your torso, like the multifidi, obturators, and other stabilizing muscles that are being strengthened. Traditional weight lifting does not do that for us, but combined with yoga becomes an incredible combo for a healthy musculature. Remember yoga is not just stretching. Done right, there is a lot of strength involved.
Pictured here is side angle pose (parsvakonasana) at Intima Nudist Resort in Tulum, Mexico.

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RE:Most Exercise is Symmetrical

At my gym I see a lot of lifters with posture and health issues. Few have a solid core and many are quite stiff. They can pose well but have more of a robotic gait than a confident swagger. I have back issues which I've also neutralized through exercise, but I'll need to maintain my whole life. My mom ignored her back (which I inherited), had surgery in her 60s and suffered pain for the next 20+ years.

Nude yoga is a great way to put me in touch with my body and its strength. I wish I could find a group closer to my home. Thanks for posting.

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RE:Most Exercise is Symmetrical

Super awesome Andy. Well not you or your moms back pain. My Mom is the same. Dad too. We have to stay on top of it or well suffer the same. Spread the word!

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