Get Inverted

The most basic headstand that we start with is supported headstand (Salamba Sirsasana).
The reason to be supported is the pressure on your neck isnt that intense. When I teach it in class, I tell people to put 70% of the weight in the forearms and only 30% on the head. All the other headstands are mostly heavy on the neck.
1. Put elbows on the ground and grab opposite elbow with your hands. Dont allow elbows to go wider than this.
2. Interlace fingers and untuck pinkie fingers.
3. Place the top of your head, not forehead, on the ground close to hands.
4. Lift hips and start to walk toes toward your head. Get hips above head (you can stop here).
5. Hug a knee into your chest, maybe both knees.
6. Extend feet over head. I tell people to make it like you are standing on the ceiling. Press big toes together and engage thighs for stability.
Go to the wall if you are afraid of falling. If free standing and you fall, tuck your chin and gently roll forward. I even have people practice rolling so they wont be afraid to fall.
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