Little Beach Maui

On Maui (burn zone is the other end of the island) and have been to Little Beach three times so far. Great, small and picturesque beach with bright fine (but not powdery) sand and clear water. The shape of small bay makes for a strong current so be careful. No lifeguard on beach. Easy to get neck deep in water. Water temp is cooler than Florida but much warmer than Black Beach in San Diego. There is some shade but best to bring your own. Its a bit of a hike from parking, most across Big Beach (and do you notice a trend?) and up a short, steep trail, but nothing compared to Blacks. I have been doing it in flip flops and other than skinning up two toes those lava rocks hare harsh no problems. Unlike most beaches where gay guys tend to congregate at one end, this beach really isnt big enough for that, although I did notice some cruising type activity in the trees around the beach. Come on, guys, this is how we lose C/O beaches! And speaking of those trees, plenty of trails for short free hiking and NO SNAKES like home. The weather is better than Blacks as is the water temperature and fewer textiles. But I love the length of Blacks and getting my steps in while naked. Im going to rate Little Beach right between Blacks and my still-favorite Playalinda, although I am guessing Little gets a better January/February weather.

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RE:Little Beach Maui

I heard that the authorities have been cracking down on nude use

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