
i'm nude 99.9% of time at home that .01% is when i put something on to go outdoors if it's in yard t shirt & shorts commando if i'm going in car shirt , very brief briefs , pants and socks , shoe but inside and out back i'm nude and see no reason for clothes . today another example why nudity should be legal at least in your front yard . so i have a motion sensor as no one rings doorbells anymore and today it chimed looking out amazon so as the vehicle pulled across the street i looked out and a package was on the porch no way i'm getting dressed for that so i had to step out thinking the amazon driver was still in the truck Nope she was already at neighbor door walking back to the truck. i looked up picking up the box and she had actually stopped and looked over , i'm sure by now she has seen her share of naked men & women . i just smiled and went back inside. when fall hits and gets a little cold i'll go back to a t shirt and bare bottom i'm more apt to venture to the mailbox and trash dressed - somewhat .

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Amazon, UPS, and USPS are quite used to me being naked when they deliver. Of course, I live at the dead end of a road with no close neighbors, and a sign in the driveway saying we are clothing optional so no one is surprised

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