Front Range - Boulder/Denver/Rocky/IndianPeaks

I've heard about dream canyon. I have not found it. I am interested in a quiet place to hike for a while without running into people that are offended, or want to arrest/cite me.
I've been looking for areas that are heavily forested as well, especially within a 15 minute drive of Boulder, with a good distance between trails. I know it is not "environmentally sound" to go off trail, but I wouldn't be following the same path each time and I think bears weigh more than me. Nature manages to survive with them trampling around. It will survive with me too. The forest will not scoff at me for a little stroll through the woods, especially while being considerate and cautious.
Anyone have any comments, even some details.

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RE: Front Range - Boulder/Denver/Rocky/IndianPeaks

Is there a 4x4 road above the tunnel, or just hiking?

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RE: Front Range - Boulder/Denver/Rocky/IndianPeaks

Wow!! That's a long drive from Boulder.

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RE: Front Range - Boulder/Denver/Rocky/IndianPeaks

Dream Canyon is easy to find, if you know the general direction. But it is easy to get lost. Let me know when you need as naked guide.

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RE: Front Range - Boulder/Denver/Rocky/IndianPeaks

Dream Canyon is easy to find, if you know the general direction. But it is easy to get lost. Let me know when you need as naked guide.
Thanks for the offer Teddski. I found it today though. Nice place. I need a little more time than I had today. It was a good first visit though.

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