Nothing to be ashamed of...

What I lack in length, I make up in width and full glans. Despite false notions of "the bigger the better", I am fully content with how God designed me.

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RE:Nothing to be ashamed of...

i agree me too

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RE:Nothing to be ashamed of...

I wholeheartedly agree! We are who we are, every inch of us makes us unique and the individual that we are! Better to love and respect yourself, I wish I learned that lesson much earlier in life but glad it was learned at all!

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RE:Nothing to be ashamed of...

Same here

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RE:Nothing to be ashamed of...

Was teased by my now x wife about being small. Actually, I am on the small side of average. Not ashamed of it. We are friends. LOL

Thats great that you are friends and friends contrast one another, I just wish people had enough common sense to know that teasing a boy or man over the size of their penis is just ridiculous! We have no control over that! Just as teasing a woman for the size, or lack there of, of her breasts.

This is one of the reasons I love having allowed myself to experience social nudism/naturism, the accepting nature of this community for everyone just as they are in all forms is a wonderful thing! Thank you all for being who you are!

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RE:Nothing to be ashamed of...

I am 100percent comfortable with what I was blessed with I never got teased however I witnessed it to some other boys when I was young and still yet when I thought that all the teasing was finally behind and I didn't have to listen and or hold up for some boys that was to timid to hold up for themselves. However I was wrong it wasn't as common as was when I was in school however it did happen and this guys wasn't timid like the school boys I was in school with they retaliated against one locker room bully that made so much fun of anybody that wasn't larger than he was. They got him drunk drunk drunk where he passed out and they got the girls to come over to the men's dorm and shave him from head to should have heard the screens and moans of him when he saw himself the next morning amazing after that he never laughed or made fun of any other man that I was.aware of.
But it was stated in another post what I like in length i gained in width and I am very happy and comfortable with what I am blessed with

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RE:Nothing to be ashamed of...

I was just at a Hot Spring where most people are nude and noticed most of the guys I saw there were what people these days think of as small or smaller than average, but most guys grow enough to do the job and really are not that small. I'm over 70 now and in my whole life I have only seen a couple of guys personally that I would consider to have a large penis. Most large penises I have ever seen have been on the web and not in person. I am perfectly comfortable wandering around the hot springs in the nude, also I know that I am a grower not a shower which is the norm.

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