newly joined, anxious to share

Hello all ! 66m div, bisex since divorce, 6'1" 240lbs, 5" dick uncut.
Located 80 miles east of Dallas. Great to know there's an active group addressing "lesser endowed" males and support for what oughtta be normalized. I've embraced (sometimes literally) my reality and engage in self-gratification routinely. I'm grateful for the opportunity to hang out with ya'll. I'll be dropping in often. Thnx !

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

nice to see you. No worries about size here, as we are all in the same boat.

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

actually 5 inch is pretty average but being 6'1" i can see your point but you have the ultimate prize imo and that is being intact / uncut , just me if i could have been left alone and intact i wouldn't care what size my penis was .

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

Welcome and enjoy. Its great to be open and enjoy what life has given us to work with.

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

I agree with you about wishing I could have been left natural. I think intact penises are great.

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

I agree with you about wishing I could have been left natural. I think intact penises are great.

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

thnx so much for the warm welcum, ya'll ! it's a cool feeling to to feel what i'm feeling right now but then again that feeling of hard and erect wonderment. i spend a majority of my down time getting up, my ups aren't as lengthy as others i've admired here. again, thanks for the rise you've provided.

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

Awesome and welcome man. I do wish this group was more active but I'm glad to see a few posts here. I'd say 5in is average (I'm also 5in)

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

We should make a Skype group for us smaller guys

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

Here's to all of us honest guys out there--good to see some of us embracing our short comings and enjoying what we have .

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RE:newly joined, anxious to share

Glad you found the group

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