Summer meetup

We had great success with our April 7th meetup at Caliente. The weather was perfect and we had half our group in attendance plus two other couples who joined us who were visiting that day. So lets do it again!

I would like our members to suggest another resort in Pasco. You may already be a member at the resort/community and want to show it off or maybe just have the group join at your community pool or rec center if you are in a nude resort. We are open to suggestions for a June event to be determined. So lets hear your ideas!

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RE:Summer meetup

Hi Mike, If nothing turns up in Pasco, there's always Escambia. Lol! Derek

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RE:Summer meetup

That's a little far for most of them. LOL I assume you stated your road trip. Looking forward to getting up there when you return.

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RE:Summer meetup

Yep. It's a long way to Pensacola -- so glad you're willing to make the trip! So Mike, please see how many other couples you can persuade to join us. Bus charter, perhaps! LOL

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