friends or foes

ive been going to a nude beach now for about 6 years now and most of the people on the beach are really friendly but theres the 'others' that just want to look or touch you i know that this is unacceptable but i have to admit i have come to enjoy the attention am i going the way they are have i given up on the idea of what nudism is i still like my nudist friends but finding out whats happening to me scares me that ill turn into a perv ?????? anyone had this happen to them ?????

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RE: friends or foes

No, but if you're finding it makes you feel like you're changing into something you don't want to be, you should pull back from it and avoid it as much as you can. Try to remember why you became a nudist. Was it to enjoy those things, or just for the comfort of being without clothing?

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