I believe I discovered how to copy to a forum entry

On the left, click "pictures." That will access your pics. Select the pic. Click to enlarge pic. Click in upper left of enlarged photo and that will highlight the photo. Copy. Then go to the draft of the forum entry. Paste.
If that works, here it is.

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RE: I believe I discovered how to copy to a forum entry

On the left, click "pictures." That will access your pics. Select the pic. Click to enlarge pic. Click in upper left of enlarged photo and that will highlight the photo. Copy. Then go to the draft of the forum entry. Paste.If that works, here it is.Oops, here it isn't.

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RE: I believe I discovered how to copy to a forum entry

You can post a photo to the group site by first clicking on the logo with bare toes that says 'no group photos'. You get a button that says 'upload pictures'. That lets you select a digitized JPEG that you have stored previously. It seems to take a day or so to appear. There doesn't seem to be a way of posting from your TN gallery. There doesn't seem to be any way of either deleting or adding commentary. There are now 3 posted pictures in 'Nude photography and Graphics'; one is s recent photoshop composition of mine, just for fun. It is also in my gallery as 'Beautiful Dragonfly'.

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