Have a question on freind request

I have been sending some friend request and can see the ones that accepted me.
My question, is there a way to see who I have already sent request to. I don't
want to send multiple request thinking I had actually sent one when it is just
they haven't responded yet.


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RE: Have a question on freind request

If you have already sent a friend request and they have not responded to it, you will get a message back, saying a request has already been sent to that user. If they have denied you, another request will be sent. There is no list of requests that you have made. Good Luck!!

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RE: Have a question on freind request

You pointed out a problem. Yes, it is annoying to receive another friend request from somebody you have already denied. All you can do is keep your own record of whom you have sent friend requests to.
Speaking of the receiving end, I have a way to avoid receiving multiple friend requests. I neither accept nor deny the request. In this way, if anybody tries to send me a second friend request, the web site responds that you have already sent a friend request.

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