Strange Things Done While Nude.

I thinkhs the strangest thingi have ever done was a nude wrestling match...I was not drunk but funnily enough it was good fun..
Would i do it again,yes and Amanda who watch still laughs about it now.

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

I buried my entire body in sand (30 years ago) except for my head and my head and past the afternoon ;-) Weird .. more weird than Strange . . .

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

Things I've done nude: painted house (interior), cooked, built a wine cellar, moved stepping stones in a friends very public front yard (her request) and then sat and visited with her while she leveled them, tai chi at a friend's house while her non-happy room mate drank and watched then played poker with them, spelled out the letters of a college for an aerial photograph, been thrown in fountains, showered in my yard (got caught by neighbor who'd already gone skinny dipping with me), posed for paintings and pictures, yoga, hiked, rock climbed, kayaked, canoed, sailed, motor boated, read depositions, taken business calls at the office (with the dressed secretary handing me the phone), skinny dipped in innumerable public places including 7 countries, and skinny dipped as the only naked guy in 30 people swimming, visited with my mother-in-law, hosted house guests, given massages, and taken off my clothes, many time, to convince other people to do so.

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

Not really strange, but I painted the house and garage interiors,cleanthe pool, washed the cars and motorcycles, pretty much anything where clothes can get ruined or wet I will do nude unless it is not safe.

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

When no company, everything is done in the nude! I do all "handyman" type work, so let your imagination run wild! Of course ether are simple things normal like sleeping, walking, exercising nude that are for granted also!

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

I think the strangest thing I've done nude is cleaning the house. And about 10 years ago I did yard work in the back yard and skinny-dipped in broad daylight. But because the next door neighbor frequently had his kids & grandkids over to swim & for cookouts, we decided to only skinny dip at night out of fear of one of them looking over the fence & seeing us.

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

I have a friend who was swinging on a large swing set behind a church one evening when someone shouted at him. Scared the &*%#@ out of him.

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

I buried my entire body in sand (30 years ago) except for my head and my head and past the afternoon ;-) Weird .. more weird than Strange . . .
after this sunbathe sure you look like a lolly pop... lol

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

talk to the woman receptionist at a nudist resort, after having crossed the poster that separated the nudist area of the textile area at the reception, because she did not notice me ... the truth is that it is not a rare thing, but her face was funny when she saw me naked in the textile area and funnier was the look on her face when in the middle of the conversation arrived a pair of new clients fully clothed whom I greeted.
I always laugh when I remember this because the signal didnt covered enough when you were naked at the nudist area and so all textile people can see you from head to toe

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

  • Interesting...I take it this is a C/O resort where the front office staff is dressed?
The strangest thing I've done nude was run through a thunderstorm. I wanted to know what it would be like running in the rain, so I went to my favorite mountain trail on a stormy evening. But I got more than I bargained for when it turned out to be a full-fledged thunderstorm, with torrential downpour, thunder and lightening. So there I was, my clothes bunched-up in a bag, running for dear life through the woods. When I got to my car, 4 miles later and parked by the road, I didn't even bother covering up; my clothes were drenched anyway. I just ran across the road nude, jumped in my car and drove back in the buff, adrenaline pumpin' and all.
  • This may sound like fun but it really wasn't!

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RE: Strange Things Done While Nude.

My job lets me when able to do some things nude maybe strange to some people, but not to me as I look forward to be able to do them nude. I have loaded combines in the nude at farms and ranches. Unloaded a couple of wheel loaders nude at a Hertz Rental in New Jersey after the places closed. The streets had traffic and it was fun thinking to myself are they looking down here or not. I'll be happy when the combine season gets here so I can do it again!!!

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