Things to do nude

Talk about things that do and don't go well with nudity

Nude tradesmen

I want to create a new nudist tradesmen facility for like minded people but wanting to see if can stir up business before I progress. Any feed back welcome.

If nudity was legal in your area how soon...

Would most of us be comfortable walking into a grocery store nude if 99.9 percent of the folks around us were clothed. It would definately need to be warm outside.

What did you do nude in the outdoors...

Well, it's finally getting nice warm weather on the northern hemisphere, so I thought it would be interesting and inspiring to hear what people do under the blue sky while not burdening with clothes. OK? I honestly don't know if there is...

Nude Swimming Record

Saw on another board that a group organized a mass nude swim at Blind Creek on July 21. Did anyone here go? If so, how was it?

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Driving nude - know its been up here before,...

I had a great day today - put in my single longest nude drive. Not talking golf here, but in my car. Was a beautifully warm Spring day around 28c and found myself on the motorway nude...and just keep going to home, where I hoped out and walked into...

Whats on your nudist to-do list?

What is on your nudist to-do list? I see a lot of people talk about going to nude beaches, which I highly recommend, but Ive done that. For me, it would be having a professional photographer take nude pics of me. Would love to hear your ideas!

Simply the best

I found myself for a long time looking for things to do nude; and now I've found what may be just the best thing. I love a nude hike or a long day swimming nude, I've even driven nude for an interstate trip and mowed the lawn nude...but...

Horse and rider

I Had another great day at Pacific Sun Friends yesterday. I walked the long track with the airstrip twice! Out on the first round I got to meet the lovely Shirley, a fellow nudie, and as we walked and talked we came across a woman on a horse. She...

Watching Olympics

Our grandson's schedule recently changed. He will be with us for most of July instead of the first two weeks of August. While I will have less nude time at home this summer than I expected, I should be able to be nude most of the time that I am...

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Nude horse back riding

A number of years ago I had the oppotyunity to go for a nude hotse back ride One of the members of the camp I stayed at brought his horse for the day and wad giving people short rides around the camp grounds He walked and led the horse who was very...