werrong beach

For the moment, there cannot be any set dates, as the weather isn't on our side this summer. however I so organize myself on a sunny day perhaps once a fortnight, get undressed up top and make my way down to the beach barefoot. The great thing about it,
a bush walk down and up and relax at the beach in between. A magic place to go indeed.

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RE: werrong beach

We will be going tomorrow, should be good weather. I also have next Thursday off and it is suppose to be 30c then so will be going then too.

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RE: werrong beach

I'll see you down there on thursday.

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RE: werrong beach

Hoping that the weather will be good on Thursday the 29th as we are planning a beach visit.

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RE: werrong beach

Tomorrow (Thursday 17th) looks like a good day for Werrong.

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RE: werrong beach

Tomorrow (Thursday 17th) looks like a good day for Werrong.I was there today and hope to get down there about lunch time tomorrow.

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RE: werrong beach

I am hoping to get to Werrong again this Thursday. Fingers crossed for the weather.

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