Young Nudist Spots?

Does anyone know of any nudist spots targeted specifically towards young people? My girlfriend and I want to try the whole nudist thing out, but it would be nice to find a group close in age to us. Also, are there any young nudists in Georgia on here?

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RE: Young Nudist Spots?

Well Drew if your social nudist activity will be as private as your profile then maybe you should keep it that way. However if your a serious nudist who wishes answers from the regulars here I would advise making your profile public so we all know who we are answering and what your intentions here is.

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RE: Young Nudist Spots?

Yes Drew, Mallard is right. Most true nudists are reluctant to communicate with people hiding behind a private profile. We don't know if you're genuine or fake.

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RE: Young Nudist Spots?

I do not usually respond to people with private accounts, but this is an issue that I have some knowledge about and I'd like to give everyone a little insight on the subject from my prospective.
I once owned a business that was directed to the youth market and it was a disaster. Besides being short on money, young people are usually looking to the most value for their money. That's a nice way of saying that there is a lot of cheating going on. One paying customerwill often attempt to bring several other non-payers in with them. Besides the cheating we always had to be on guard for outright stealing and vandalism. Being in a business directed at the youth market most of our employees were young and a lot of them had too many "friends" that they would do favors for. I could give you a lot of examples of what went on but it will suffice to say that it was an untenable situation. The unfortunate thing was that the problems were caused by a very small percentage of the customers, but that small percentage easily put the business into the red when you're working on a tight profit margin.
Expensive lesson learned: If anyone is considering opening a business, I would suggest that they direct it to people who have money to spend and are willing to spend it on what you have to offer.

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RE: Young Nudist Spots?

SORRY Guys!--Can't come to our ADULT Resort until 21!--Sunaura Adult Resort in N/W Ind.---About 40min from Chicago! THANKS Smoothie

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RE: Young Nudist Spots?

Young nudist spots. Yes, they can be a problem , but with the right medication, they should soon clear up.

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RE: Young Nudist Spots?

Well Drew if your social nudist activity will be as private as your profile then maybe you should keep it that way. However if your a serious nudist who wishes answers from the regulars here I would advise making your profile public so we all know who we are answering and what your intentions here is.What do you mean? Sorry, I'm new to the site; I don't know what your mean by a private/public profile.

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RE: Young Nudist Spots?

Well Drew if your social nudist activity will be as private as your profile then maybe you should keep it that way. However if your a serious nudist who wishes answers from the regulars here I would advise making your profile public so we all know who we are answering and what your intentions here is.What do you mean? Sorry, I'm new to the site; I don't know what your mean by a private/public profile.
In the top lefthand corner of your home page, you will see- Edit My Profile. Click that and then choose- Privacy Settings. You then have different options to allow what peole can view about you.

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