locker room stories

I am disapointed with a 191 members, and no new stories. Seams that a few more of you would have some good or bad experiences that you could tell about.

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RE: locker room stories

Well... in an attempt to brush that under the rug, I will post about some of my locker room instances. Growing up in high school locker room showers were used for after sporting events so most students, including me, never used them. It want until four years ago that I first got naked in a locker room. I was traveling for work to Boston from the Southwestern part of the US. I was at a local YMCA and was in the mindset to lose weight as I was and am still overweight. For me part of my motivation to get in shape was to not be bashful naked so I wanted to be ashamed. I stripped down and headed to the showers which had no stalls or privacy. And there was no one there. lol. I showered and changed into my trunks. Swam for an hour and came back to shower. Now this time there were 4 men there. I am Mexican and like most Mexicans uncircumcised. These men were all varying ages but all white and all circumcised. I pulled down my shorts and stood shriveled from the water. No snickering or turning away. So I got under the warm water and my muscles relaxed. Standing there with wrinkled balls and dangling dongs I felt bonded to my fellow man. I realized what I had been missing:Acceptance.

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RE: locker room stories

Another instance about six months after the first time showering with other men I had a ...hiccup. By now I was certain no one cared about the other guys package. No peering eyes, or anything. So it threw me for a loop when, in a predominate (ergo all but three) white circumcised heavy locker room, a guy says in a boisterous voice "Ah! We are twins." He was Italian with olive complexion with a receeding hairline and green eyes. I am brown with full head of black hair and brown eyes. Had zero idea what the hell he was talking about. But his wide toothy grin suggested I solve his clue. My eyes traced his face and chest (both much hairer than mine) his flat stomach surely didn't match my belly. Then I saw his penis. Dangling with foreskin. We were unique in this gym. But this put me off. What felt like forever to me to discover took him seconds. He was looking AT crotches. Not faces like the other men. For the first time I felt shy. How dare he shatter my confidence. I gathered my items and left. Went back weeks later but the damage was done. I was pulling on new boxers under towels in the corners. After a month or so I said screw it and showered. In hindsight I don't believe he was coming onto me but it did sway my thoughts on public showering. I have others but feel as though I'm being long winded. Thanks for reading.

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RE: locker room stories

You've told your stories very well, Able2. I understand how that comment would have been quite surprising, but I also think that a locker room can be one of the few places that a man can relate to another man in ways that are not acceptable anywhere else. He was probably just noting that he often felt unusual or out of place in a locker room full of circumcised men and it was a way to acknowledge something you had in common. If you had been able to smile and say "Yeah, I guess we are in the same club" or something, it could have been a pleasant, friendly moment between two strangers, or you might even have met a new friend. I know it's easier said than done, especially when it's unexpected like that, but I hope that if it happens again, you can at least consider it in that kind of context. I also sincerely hope you aren't giving up on the gym experience, including the shower time, completely. Many of us, me included, need all the help we can get to stay healthy.
Once several years ago I was toweling off after a shower at the gym; it was fairly crowded that afternoon after work and I was standing near the wall-mounted hair dryers that they used to have before they remodeled (and went from open bay showers to the stupid, unnecessary individual shower stalls - but I digress). A guy walked over and started to dry off near me, and after a moment he met my eyes and I saw that he was smiling at me. My mind raced - did we know each other? People look totally different naked sometimes and with wet hair, but I was sure I didn't recognize him. Then he glanced down, so I did too - and all I can figure is that he was noting that we not only had similar body hairiness levels, but we had identical pubic trim/shave jobs. It was too busy to say anything like the "twins" line at that moment, and I frankly wasn't totally sure that's what he was trying to get across, but I smiled back at him, and then we parted ways. No harm, no foul... although I thought at the time that it was kind of bold for him to do in that small suburban gym.
Now I'm even more at ease being naked in the shower area, even though the tide has turned there from 80 percent nude for the journey between showers, sauna, steam room and whirlpool to about 90 percent wrapped up in towels - and I hate it - but it's now a little more special to spot a guy who's unconcerned about covering up in a place where it's completely appropriate to be naked. Maybe one day I'll get that shared smile again, just for that reason.

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RE: locker room stories

Had an enlightening experience a few weeks back ...
Several years ago, my gym remodeled the men's locker and changed from a gang shower to stalls. Not an improvement as far as I'm concerned but it's the trend. Oh well.
A few weeks back, I was in the steam with one of the employees who had finished his shift. He finished and went to shower. Bit later, I did same. He left the curtain open! Duh! There isn't any rule that I have to hide behind the shower curtain. Not sure why I have for so long, but no more!
With the layout of the shower area, it always seemed strange that I would be naked walking to the shower, past the stalls to the steam, and back to the drying area where I leave my towel, but would be hidden while actually showering.

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RE: locker room stories

Duh! There isn't any rule that I have to hide behind the shower curtain. Not sure why I have for so long, but no more!Was in the gym Saturday morning. Two other guys left the curtain open too. Nothing sexual. Just men showering naked. Maybe it's a trend? :)

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RE: locker room stories

I was at the gym yesterday, and I was just amazed watching one guy walk to the shower with his towel on, (the gym has individual showers, not a gang shower), then he got into the shower booth and pulled the curtain closed with his towel on, and then went through contortions trying to hang his towel up outside the curtain without exposing his nude body. So ridiculous!!

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RE: locker room stories

The gym I go to is a huge chain here in Toronto, Canada. For the premium clubs (higher fees), there used to be unlimited towels placed near the showers. So I would strip at the locker and only pick up a towel after showering. Now they cut back, giving you one or two towels at the entrance. So I still strip at the locker, but have to walk dripping wet back to the locker (where I kept the towels) to dry myself. I haven't seen anyone else do that.

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RE: locker room stories

I am disapointed with a 191 members, and no new stories. Seams that a few more of you would have some good or bad experiences that you could tell in Chicago,there are some Chicago public park pools that have open gang showers,and surprisingly,most shower nude,and yes you can tell even the straight guys look and so do dads with their sons/ I try to set example for the boys with their dads by being relaxed and calm as I shower as their dads do,so they learn not be embarressed or ashamed

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RE: locker room stories

Where in Chicago? Will love to go there sometime.

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