Bored in Iraq

Hi all, I am currently stationed in Iraq, and it gets pretty boring sometimes. I am always up for some dares. Being in the military though, I can't do anything like run around outside nude...although I wish I could.

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RE: Bored in Iraq

Thanks for serving our country, its too bad as hot as it is there you cant find a little nude time and always better with others.

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RE: Bored in Iraq

Can't you just try something which is normally somewhat nude, and stretch it? By that I mean, for instance, you take group showers nude? Can you come back from the showers in the nude rather than in a towel?
Can you tell your campmates, hey, I need some nude shots for my girlfriend, she's horney?

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RE: Bored in Iraq

But I've seen pictures of American soldiers sunbathing nude in the desert, showering nude, and posing nude in the barracks, etc. Mostly all for fun. I think it might be letter of the law versus blowing off steam.

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