How many new members you brought to TN?

Till date, since September 2010, I could influence at least 10 members to TN.

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RE: How many new members you brought to TN?

i brought my friend to TN....he liked the concept of nudism

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RE: How many new members you brought to TN?

Very recently, a friend of mine joined TN after getting info on nudism and TN from me. He is evolving so beautifully.....the spirit of nudism was cocooned in him for long which has just come out as a brilliant butterfly. He has posted a fantastic pic.
His id is Megh

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RE: How many new members you brought to TN?

He got certified very fast, which shows his ardent interest in naturism. His link is...

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RE: How many new members you brought to TN?

Great, Suhrit! You are always very good in advocacy and inspiring others.

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