any literature?

Do you all know of any novel, fiction, story etc on naturism, nudism?

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RE: any literature?

I have never found any specifically for that, but if you find some please share :)

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RE: any literature?

I also read 'The Reluctant Nudist' -- a novel -- a few years ago (maybe 2007?), but it appears to be hard to find online.can u pl share the story lines in few lines?

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RE: any literature?

Here are a few I have read:
Naked Hunch by Stephens Burns: A mystery novel. Murder of fortune teller at a "renaissance fair" involving characters from a nudist resort.
Meeting at the River - A Tale of Naked Truth by David Hatton. A short story that is thought provoking. Is he still dreaming or is it real when a skinny dipper awakens on the beach amidst a religious group of naturists.
The Cool Cottontail (A Virgil Tibbs Mystery) by John Ball. A naked dead body is found in a nudist resort's swimming pool. A murder mystery with a few twists. This is an 'insider or outsider' mystery, with racial and nudist prejudice enlightenment.
Naked Crow by P.Z.Wlaker. The spirit world meets the nudist resort. This story has a Sci Fi spirit world twist involving a missing person's retrieval from the spirit world. No my usual genre but I found it an interesting hard to put down read! There is a follow up that I haven't yet read.
Nothing like naked by Georgie Rhein. Mystery story with a erotic twist. Not porn but an erotic twist none the less. Good story.These are all available for Kindle. You can read better descriptions on Amazon.

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RE: any literature?

Thanks...but one thought comes in....many such literature work involves nudist/ nudist resort as a back drop or centre point of murder.
Is that the fear in writer's mind? fear of unknown...."un- natural" "out of box stuff" ...that even may influence the readers....?
In reality how many such incidents we come across? not many...or not at all.

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RE: any literature?

The ones I have read don't seem to be saying anything about murder and nudist. It's just a common mystery theme on which to hang a story.

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