Click for this donations. Did anybody ever vet the vet site supposed charities?

Did anyone, if you excuse the pun, vet the meals for vets site?
I have always been told to check-out a charity before making a donation. So, I went to the which is a really good site to vet charities. Low and behold, neither The Veteranssite dot com nor it's mother company Charity USA dot com are listed.
The reason that I am calling them companies instead of charities is because every legitimate charity I know is a dot org;not a dot com.

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RE: Click for this donations. Did anybody ever vet the vet site supposed charities?

All four of the click to donate sites listed here have a dot com URL It does not cost me anything but time to click and donate soI hope they are legit.

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RE: Click for this donations. Did anybody ever vet the vet site supposed charities?

All four of the click to donate sites listed here have a dot com URL It does not cost me anything but time to click and donate soI hope they are legit.I understand what you are saying, but it just doesn't smell right.

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