Nudist host home in Sydney

I'm trying to get local nudists in the Sydney area to meet each other, mingle, have a few drinks, card games, etc. Anyone with a spacious living area, nudist home or granny flat that can be used as a "clubhouse" for nudists to mingle in Sydney when the resorts are too far and the nudists clubs nearby are way too costly with too many exclusion rule (being single isn't a sin!)
If someone has a place that can accommodate genuine nudist looking to socialise for full or partial availability or for whenever you choose, let me know. Any visitors can pay room owner a small fee per visit for upkeep. Host can also refuse weirdos or trouble makers.
So if you have a place local Sydney nudists can come by, escape the clothed jails at home and catch up with others enjoying the lifestlye without needing to bring the kids or sell the car to pay annual fees.

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