Travelites' Lobster Bash report & forthcoming

Members from all around the Midlands from Sumter to Leesville to Winnsboro and Columbia gathered to enjoy lobsters, oysters and other foods including lasagna rolls, garlic bread, salad (with a variety of dressings), and for dessert, brownies, ice cream,and whiskey chocolate balls. It was great visiting with folk who we've not seen for a while and of course, socializing with the regulars. The hot tub was relaxing but as usual, the calories refused to melt away. It was a good event.
Travelites' next scheduled gatherings include:
Dec 8th - Winter Holiday Party, Hopkins, 4pm - bring a gift for the exchange between $5 & 10. Italian potluck @ 6:30
Dec 22nd - Doomsday Survivor party, Hopkins, SC - begins @ 4pm, potluck @ 6:30. One reservation so far for the guest house.
Dec 31st - NYE party. Dinner at Bonefish Grill, Columbia, SC and returning to Hopkins to welcome the New Year in the hot tub.

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