I't just feels good.

I have no reason, no conscious ideas or agenda as to why I choose to be a naturist/nudist
other than it feels good and I believe that it would be good for humanity if
more people would strip off and join in the fun of personal liberation nudity
provides. I would like to say that I'm a purest and reassure all of you that
there is no sensual content to my nudity, but that is just not the truth. I
find our nakedness extremely attractive and that we are willing to share our
naturist outlook with others warms my heart and makes me feel like a man.

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RE: I't just feels good.

Bravo!! My thoughts exactly. Thanks for capturing the right words.

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RE: I't just feels good.

Very well said!

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RE: I't just feels good.

Nudity erases all class distinctions and puts everyone on a level playing field. It is a bit difficult to put on airs when a person is wearing nothing but a grin. It makes janitors and CEO's equals with the trappings of their social standings removed.

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RE: I't just feels good.

Nudity erases all class distinctions and puts everyone on a level playing field. It is a bit difficult to put on airs when a person is wearing nothing but a grin. It makes janitors and CEO's equals with the trappings of their social standings removed.
Yes the pretense quickly dissolves; after reading your responses to the post I distilled what I thought was your expressions of the experiences you derived from being nude in the company of others and public nudity. If you will permit me these are the words we used: "It feels good" "it would be good for humanity to join in the fun of personal liberation that nudity provides" "nakedness is extremely attractive" "It is a bit difficult to put on airs when a person is wearing nothing but a grin" "It feels mighty good to be naked" "absolute beauty of the nude body" "lovely machine that should be appreciated" "Puts everything into proportion" "just clears thoughts out of my head and lets me just be" "I've been learning to love and like my masculinity much" "I am getting naked so when you are naked we are equal" "we have a deeper and wider friendship" "What kept us from having a really close relationship before? Answer: Clothes;get rid of it. It feels good"
As piperman5 tells us; "It makes Janitors and CEO's equal with the trappings of their social standings removed"
Could it be that we feel personal liberation in our social experience of nudity free from society's trap where all men are not created equal as society judges by what you have rather than what you are. Perhaps nudity is good for humanity because we soon realize that we are alike and in need of each others love and affection.

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RE: I't just feels good.

I agree, Leo. When we all are naked we feel more friendly, closer to other men. I'm straight and don't think that male bodies are attractive, but talking to another man, looking not only to his face and his hands, but also to his big dick and to his hairy chest, to his hairy legs and to his male ass seems right to me, makes me feel in peace with nature, I don't know how to explain better than so....

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RE: I't just feels good.

What a great thread. And I couldn't agree more with the sentiments

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RE: I't just feels good.

I agree. The freedom, naturalness, openness and equality of nudity is what it's about. Yes it's sensual in so many ways, not just sexually.It's not about masculinity. Us nudists come in all shapes and sizes. That's what makes us interesting. Whilst enjoying our nudity do we really care whether we are fitter or better hung than the next man? If we did there would be very few nudists.

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