Old hippie

I am an unreformed hippie from the 1960s. Occasionally, I compromise to society's myopia to help job situations, but I am still what I am. I still maintain the attitude and perspective, even though it has lost its popularity.

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RE: Old hippie

As the status quo falters toward collapse, more and more people are looking back at many of the things the hippies were doing in the way of learning to live more lightly on the land, seeing consumer culture as bankrupt and taking responsibility for making a better world and realizing that we had it right...we were simply ahead of our time.
I miss the casual attitude toward nudity that tended to circulate around those of us in the counterculture in the late 60s and early 70s.

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RE: Old hippie

I've never in my life been to a nudist resort. Can't imagine it. My home is the Rainbow Gatherings and Faerie spaces - no pressure to be nude, no pressure to be clothed. Everyone beautiful in their own way. I do miss it - not because it's entirely in the past but because it's now very far away from me.

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RE: Old hippie

long hair in the 70's (where did it go) bell bottom jeans and a don't care attitude yep that was me when i was 16 thru my early 20's heck those were the days, lived in s.florida and wish they had haulover nude beachback than it would have been my beach for sure. now a lot older still dreaming that hippie dream even have a early van now i need to convience the other half that we need to join a nude commune.

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RE: Old hippie

I,m lucky enough to live in a semi commune. But they are not to open to me being nude! There are some small pockets who know and respect hippies.
But its hard to convince the world that sociopaths whichI consider the evil opposite of hippie are not the best leaders but they have increrdibly huge mouths!

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RE: Old hippie

I know what you mean. None of our friends back then - male or female - thought twice about strippping down to go in skinny-dipping or hot tubbing. Now that's the rare exception it seems. Sad how we have regressed as a society in this regard,

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RE: Old hippie

Yes. I subscribed to Mother Earth news. Shopped from the Whole Earth catalog. Friends and I bought land in the country and grew our own food, Started a co-op. Built all kinds of structures and built tools and mechanical stuff from earth, thinned logs and recycled stuff. Got real involved with passive and active solar design and building. Took a break from that for a time to try to change some things, but am back to the lifestyle now and loving life!

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RE:Old hippie

Love it! Can you offer us GenX'rs some wisdom on how to find our inner peace? I've long admired the hippy free spirit. I guess that's why I'm here, on this site.

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Erstwhile hippie

Also a hippie from the 60's.

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RE:Old hippie

mid 40's here....good to see some people from the 60's still keeping tradition & morals 8) i get it u have to conform sometimes or at least give the appearance. maybe it's a good way to sneak a principle or 2 to unsuspecting squares lol. anything to make more people cool with each other. there could never be enough of that. something i gotta keep reminding myself regularly these days.

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