Charlotte and Darlington races

We go to both Charlotte races and we go to Darlington but instead of going to the track we go to nudist friends house nearby and listen to the cars on the track while we are nude in the backyard. We do watch the race on TV.

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RE: Charlotte and Darlington races

I've been to Darlington several times and Daytona many times to the 500 and 400 but not lately. I don't care for the crowds and the high dollar tickets. Watching the races on a big screen with other nudist race fans is much more fun. Some of us get together and do that a few times a year.

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RE: Charlotte and Darlington races

Nice!! to be nude watching the race and also hearing the thunder of rthe cars must be very cool.. Enjoy the season!

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RE: Charlotte and Darlington races

I would imagine ticket prices are pretty much. We always get garage passes so we have no need to buy tickets.

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RE: Charlotte and Darlington races

I lucked up and got free tickets to the 500 in Daytona this year. TV is better for watching but it's hard to beat that sound of that pack of cars going by. The speeds are impressive but when they were slower the sound lasted longer........ if that makes any sense.

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