so dead

ya this state pretty much sucks concerning nudism. and there isnt much at all online for people totalk about it. not even on this website. as far as women or couples go, there seem like maybe 20 total here frm ths state. but with just men there are hundreds. alot of people would probably freak out if the state legalized nudism. seems over 90 percent of nudist are men too

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RE: so dead

Well, you can only talk so much about being naked. Do you want to talk about motorbikes?, beer? Traveling? by motorbike?
Yesterday, Gail and I drove frome Seattle to Portland to go to Collins Beach. If you haven't been, go.
You do know about Howell Park in Seattle, right?

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RE: so dead

I've heard Howell Park is a nice nude beach. It's not really legal, though, is it? Are the neighbors and police tolerant of nudists there?

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RE: so dead

ya this state pretty much sucks concerning nudism. and there isnt much at all online for people totalk about it. not even on this website. as far as women or couples go, there seem like maybe 20 total here frm ths state. but with just men there are hundreds. alot of people would probably freak out if the state legalized nudism. seems over 90 percent of nudist are men tooWell the group admin hasn't been on for 4 years. So ya this group is pretty much dead. Unfortunately, it seems that nudists hate to be alone, yet can't be bothered to get together. My wife tells me to go find nudist guy friends. But where? We look for local nudist couples. But where? We have better nudist friends in Arizona than in our own back yard. It's frustrating.

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RE: so dead

you are so right!! You and I have tried so many times, but no avail....But we will eventually meet! Just a matter of time and timing.Hell ya! If not at FS at least at the Palace Spa!

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RE: so dead

I went to the skinny dip event at FS about a month ago. I met a lot of new people, even people my own age.... they usually hang out at howell beach, but they generally don't have weekends off like I do.

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RE: so dead

I went to the skinny dip event at FS about a month ago. I met a lot of new people, even people my own age.... they usually hang out at howell beach, but they generally don't have weekends off like I do.Hey Kris. Wish we still had a hot tub on the west side. Now in a one bedroom apartment on the east side. But we still love to hang our naked.

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RE: so dead

Hey guys,I enjoy Howell Beach. Found it a couple of years ago. Cool place to go and hang. I think the population of the beach has grown over that last few years. Not a lot of beach and can get crowded but always nice to take a dip in Lake Washington when the temps get warm. Hope your trip to Collins was enjoyable. Rick

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RE: so dead

Hey John,Long time huh? Good to see you here. I agree about the peeps wanting to do something and not following through. Seems like we need a LEGAL beach in this area. Too many are afraid to get naked. Hope you and the misses are doing well.RickSeattle

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RE: so dead

Never been to Howell Beach... I have a dilemma in that (like many) my wife has dropped out of c-o recreation; I'm not gay; and yet I like to go naked sometimes. It's hard to find a place to fit in. I do go nude on rare occasion in the woods near my house, or when travelling on business, or occasionally at the Gated Sanctuary.

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