Getting closer

Closed on a small parcel of dirt in the woods last week much closer to work for my beautiful wife and myself. This will cut our fuel consumption by more than half once we are fully relocated there which should be in about a year. Our carbon footprint is getting smaller. That makes me so happy. The house I am going to construct will be energy and water efficient so we will reduce our emissions that much more while conserving a little more of this lovely planet's resources. I went out yesterday and cleared the home site and driveway. I picked a spot where some trees had already fallen so I was able to not disturb the land too much. I wound the driveway around existing growth so there was minimal change as well as maximum privacy which is of course paramount to the nudist. I have a few small trees to remove today and the prep work will be pretty much complete. I can start digging footers and swinging a hammer after that. I've been reclaiming building materials for a while now so the first phase of the building won't be hitting the wallet too hard. I'mplanning tobuild the entire house with no mortgage. No bills equals true freedom. Being out there wearing nothing other than socks and work boots,sweating,working hard in the sun feels so good. It's a great place. Knowing that I will be polluting less is the icing on the cake.

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RE: Getting closer

Closed on a small parcel of dirt in the woods last week much closer to work for my beautiful wife and myself. This will cut our fuel consumption by more than half once we are fully relocated there which should be in about a year. Our carbon footprint is getting smaller. That makes me so happy. The house I am going to construct will be energy and water efficient so we will reduce our emissions that much more while conserving a little more of this lovely planet's resources. I went out yesterday and cleared the home site and driveway. I picked a spot where some trees had already fallen so I was able to not disturb the land too much. I wound the driveway around existing growth so there was minimal change as well as maximum privacy which is of course paramount to the nudist. I have a few small trees to remove today and the prep work will be pretty much complete. I can start digging footers and swinging a hammer after that. I've been reclaiming building materials for a while now so the first phase of the building won't be hitting the wallet too hard. I'mplanning tobuild the entire house with no mortgage. No bills equals true freedom. Being out there wearing nothing other than socks and work boots,sweating,working hard in the sun feels so good. It's a great place. Knowing that I will be polluting less is the icing on the cake.wish u lived closer id give u a hand

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RE: Getting closer

Wow, this project sounds optimal.

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RE: Getting closer

So I surprised my wife with the news of the land acquisition with a visit to the land itself. I have all but completed the driveway and home site land prep so we were able to drive in to the woods right to where I'll be building starting tomorrow. She thought I was trespassing until I broke the news. She was big time happy. She proceeded to get out of the truck and finish the tour sans clothing. She stayed nude with the hot late summer sun rays dancing on her beauty until we left. I haven't seen her so relaxed in a long time. Our time developing this project together is going to bring a lot of enjoyment. Glad I did this.

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