PA photos

Is it possible to obey all the rules about showing genitals when the theme of this topic is to show in detail PA piercings.
If you show PA's in detail the it is almost certain that the face would not be in the picture.
The whole idea of PA piercing photos would be to show only the genital area.

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RE: PA photos

Is it possible to obey all the rules about showing genitals when the theme of this topic is to show in detail PA piercings.If you show PA's in detail the it is almost certain that the face would not be in the picture.The whole idea of PA piercing photos would be to show only the genital area.

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RE: PA photos

I am on another www for piercings. Most of the pics show just the
pierced area. However, no bodily fluids are allowed. On another
note...I have a PA and heading for vacation to a resort with a nude
beach, mixed gender/all ages. I do plan to be nude on the nude beach. I
asked a question about me having a PA and on the nude beach, a
member on TN expressed that most others on the nude beach would probably
prefer not to see my piercing. I'm not going to flaunt it, but I'm not
going to remove it. Isn't nudism all about acceptance: being
male/female/skinny/chubby/hairy/smooth/beer gut or having saggy boobs
should not play into this in my opinion.

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RE: PA photos

The nudist places I've been it's not been an issue, anymore than my nipple piercings were an issue. The ones that might complain are the eldest generation, and only those that never accepted the body piercing stance. They'll probably have just as much trouble with you if you have tattoos, but i wouldn't worry too much about it, as long as you follow the codes of conduct where you go you should be fine

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I have a frenem piercing, not sure if the pic will show but ...

Is it possible to obey all the rules about showing genitals when the theme of this topic is to show in detail PA piercings.If you show PA's in detail the it is almost certain that the face would not be in the picture.The whole idea of PA piercing photos would be to show only the genital area.

  • At times we should be allowed too bend therules! Afterall PA's are a very cool piercing that has become quiet common!

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RE: PA photos

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With foreskin

Is it possible to obey all the rules about showing genitals when the theme of this topic is to show in detail PA piercings.If you show PA's in detail the it is almost certain that the face would not be in the picture.The whole idea of PA piercing photos would be to show only the genital area.

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RE: PA photos

I am one of the "older generation" and I have no problems with piercings.

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RE: PA photos

EXACTLY you cant see all my piercings unless you zoom in... Over 30 below the the look and feeling and welcome questions at nude beaches etc....

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