
All nudists have an inherent fear of being caught naked by textiles in a textile environment,and I have overcome this fear...well,actually,I force myself to face the potential nude meeting with textillians.When I do go to our local nude beach,I always park further up,where the massive sand dunes descend into the beach...they are huge and high dunes....So what I do,in the parking area which is a textile parking area,I strip naked in the parking area,and lock my clothes on the trunk,then I go naked and barefoot...with no clothes,no towels into the dunes.The dunes are semi nude , meaning people pass through there barefoot and bare cheated,either on horse back...kite flying,or walking their dogs.When one,as a nudist,run into textiles,you simply just have no Choice but to be naked.And because you are forced to be naked,and interact with them in the nude... You can't hide,and must face off with them naked. Because you Being naked and there is simply no way to hide....nor dodge them,because you are naked ,then it makes one be more self trusting and self confident...and if you are comfortable with your nudity and being naked...they relax...and when one raises your kids as confident nudists,no matter what happens,or what is seen,they will be perfectly at ease being naked with textiles.I am a nudist,and raised my son a nudist,and all his friends were textillians.They came over often,and came for sleep overs often,while my son,and I were naked .He and I had no issues,even when they woke him/us in the mornings,and saw his/our morning manifestations...he was at ease...same with me,that's why I like locking my clothes away,or hiding it away,so in case I encounter textiles,I am forced,being naked, to act normal.After all...nude is normal....

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RE: overcoming

Thank you for this post! I love this philosophy. When I nude hike I often carry my clothes or something to potentially cover myself even if it is just a simple cloth of some kind. This forces me to come to a point of decision when I encounter textiles. The few times I have walked nude with no option for covering myself it has been truly liberating and when I have encountered textiles I have enjoyed the experience more both during and after the meeting. You have inspired me to lock my clothes away on more of these outings and occasions.

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RE: overcoming

It works everytime.Last year,the wife and I went to a local resort,which is a textile resort,yet there I am fondly referred to as their local nudist.We met a guy there,recently widdowed/widddowered....(?)....we started chatting in the pool on religious issues,seeing I am a theologian,and we struck a good friendship,and out of courtecy,invited him later to our chalet for coffee and tea,and cake...and he declined it....so we didnt take any notice then,or let me put it this way,we weren't offended.As usual,when we got back to the chalet,I got naked,and a few hours later,as we were readying for supper,this guy rocks up to the chalet,and took us up on our invitation....I just remained naked,and he seemingly were very uncomfortable at first with my nudity,but I remained naked...and continued our discussion...till 2 the next morning.He later said he was surprized at my ease being naked...and apparently...that made him feel at ease...and the person I am,made me stay true to my philosophy....stay naked...act normal...and things will turn out just fine,and it did....I admit...it takes guts to be that way,to lock away clothes so you are forced to face off with textiles in the nude...but it works!Its good for self confidence and acceptance.

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RE: overcoming

loved reading this experiences. once i did the same thing (but in night)...locked my cloths in one temple...and moved naked along the sleepy streets of a small city....and the experience was so liberating and exciting that i was unable to sleep for quite some time after i returned back to my hotel.

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