Good afternoon all!!

Looking through the discussions the first thing I would like to address is that yes we need to keep the group balanced with both genders. From my understanding, at least from what I've seen on here, the ratio of male to female is like 10:1. Don't know what we need to do to get more females on here but lets discuss that.
Other note. I like the idea of this group. I may have better luck however meeting a girl outside the site and getting her to try the lifestyle out, but I want to give this a try. Ladies, I'm looking for the real thing. I know what love is. Im 22 and I've known for a while true love, but haven't been in it. How do I know then? Because love is doing for others even when they can't do for you. So with that being said, drop me a message. Let's chat. We can cam if you want I'm not going to be stroking what so ever, I would just really like to find the right girl I can start my life with and grow to the next level. Good luck and best wishes to all.

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