Wine Tasting Today

I've been here all week for the AANR Convention, and today they have wine tasting on the sand volleyball field. What a great experience. Really enjoyed my time here but tomorrow back to the real world! Philly here we come!

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RE: Wine Tasting Today

Sounds really great. Sure better than painting the bedroom :(

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RE: Wine Tasting Today

It was a wonderful time. Everyone was very friendly, the wine (most of it) was good. And I got to reconnect with old friends. Towards the end of the afternoon we went for a walk in the woods and found some ropes hanging from a couple of trees. A good time all around. I would go back again next year if they do it again.Dave

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RE: Wine Tasting Today

Sounds really great. Sure better than painting the bedroom :(I hope you at least got to paint it in the nude:))

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