Be careful

I was swimming naked in the pool of a big nude campsite when I got into trouble. Next thing I was being taken by helicopter to the hospital, still naked and with absolutely nothing. I spent the next few days naked in intensive care. Well it gave the medics easy access to my body for their tender care. Some of my possessions arrived a few days later but I stayed naked - it's the best way.
Written Sept 2014.

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RE: Be careful

what was the problem that caused you to end up in the hospital?

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RE: Be careful

I drowned

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RE: Be careful

The above was written almost exactly a year ago (don't know why it says 2 years). I have now regained my confidence. In swimming pools I stay within my depth. But I find I float in sea water so I'm happy in any depth. Here I am in 3m of water.

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RE: Be careful

The above was written almost exactly a year ago (don't know why it says 2 years).

One year plus one day is two years the way the system counts.

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