So who went - Into the Dalek?

Are we still enjoying the new series?Thought this wek was a very clever twist on an old foe and another great episode from both Peter and Jenna.
Always love to hear what you guys think.

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RE: So who went - Into the Dalek?

I thought it was a different take on an old foe. I am waiting to see what happens with the other characters that were introduced. I love the cross species lesbian love from last week. This is definitely going to be different and I wonder if they will find a trick to explain the Doctor's look alike from a previous episode "Fires of Pompeii". I have my Tom Baker scarf ready for next week.

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RE: So who went - Into the Dalek?

I think we need a I picture of you in that scarf!Maybe that's a new thread... Nude doctor who props!

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RE: So who went - Into the Dalek?

I uploaded them but I think they are waiting for the okay from the mod or Mr. C.

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RE: So who went - Into the Dalek?

Egads, one of my pictures is the avatar. Zoom Zoom Zoom hehehe, Allons-y

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RE: So who went - Into the Dalek?

I'm loving the Peter Capaldi Doctor. He is stern and confident. He doesn't seem to distracted to be afraid but rather simply unafraid. Peter is also connecting us to the Doctor's age. The other recent Doctors have hidden and run from their age but the Capaldi Doctor is one with his years, not just the wisdom and information learned but that certain - and at times cranky - old man impatience.

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RE: So who went - Into the Dalek?

I'm loving the Peter Capaldi Doctor. He is stern and confident. He doesn't seem to distracted to be afraid but rather simply unafraid. Peter is also connecting us to the Doctor's age. The other recent Doctors have hidden and run from their age but the Capaldi Doctor is one with his years, not just the wisdom and information learned but that certain - and at times cranky - old man impatience.completely agree. Love the relationship now between him and Clara. Much more like the assistant / companion of old.looking forward to next weeks looks like it should be a lot of fun....and we get to see more of the mystery that is Missy I'm sure!

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RE: So who went - Into the Dalek?

It was a great episode. A very clever story that alternated between thought-provoking, funny, moving, and exciting. The Doctor's new personality goes right to the edge of being cruel, and this story was a perfect way to illustrate that fact.
Blkpegasus, I'd also love to see you in that scarf, and hopefully nothing else. ;)

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