First cigarette of the day

One of life's pleasures, having your morning cigarette, outside, naked.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

I was up before dawn this morning. It was a little cool on the deck. Made for a great first morning cigarette. Naked of course.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

I was up before dawn this morning. It was a little cool on the deck. Made for a great first morning cigarette. Naked of course.Sitting on my camper deck. Naked, coffee, first cigarette and morning wood. A great start to the day.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

Having my first naked cigarette of the day. Had to work this morning so no naked time to enjoy. Outside, raining, but I am under cover.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

One of life's pleasures, having your morning cigarette, outside, naked.
Still one of life's pleasures. And that first cup of coffee, it can't be any better.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

Sunday morning. Sitting on my camper deck. Naked, coffee, first cigarette and morning wood, all before dawn. A great start to the day.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

Probably had my last naked cigarette at my vintage camper for the season. Water in the campground is being turned off for the winter. time To button up the camper for winter and wait for the spring.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

Sunday morning. Sitting on my camper deck. Naked, coffee, first cigarette and morning wood, all before dawn. A great start to the day.
Started my day in the same manner. Nothing better than the sensations that I expressed above!

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RE: First cigarette of the day

Again, naked on my deck enjoying my cigarette and coffee. Been naked for about 80 straight hours but it will end later today. Until then, naked and cigarettes close by.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

Was up before dawn. Stood naked on my deck, lit my cigarette, and enjoyed the feeling of freedom.

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RE: First cigarette of the day

Was up before dawn. Stood naked on my deck, lit my cigarette, and enjoyed the feeling of freedom.
Started my day the same was. Love the feeling of the morning air over my body, the solitude and thinking that this is the way life should be. Later today, back to the textile world.

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