use conditioner

I was wondering if anyone ever uses conditioner on their pubic hair? I do sometimes to make it feel softer. If it workers for the hair on your head, why not the pubic hair also?

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RE: use conditioner

Yes...I've do that too. It works!!! Love to run my fingers through pubes and body hair (even if it is my and it feels softer to me... I have to make a confession, I know this is verboten in this group...but I shave my balls. I know... but again it's for a tactile reason. Smooth they are so silky and the sensation (for me) improves about 100%. I use the same conditioner on my balls to shave them. It works great!!

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RE: use conditioner

Gonna give this one a try!I think it would give the pubes that softer/fluffed-up look.

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RE: use conditioner

I love rubbing my hair and the use of conditioner makes everything so much softer

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RE: use conditioner

Yes, I've found it softer too.Also use it on my body hair too - makes that much softer too.

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RE: use conditioner

Having a problem with dry skin and therefore dry hair I always have used a conditioner. Now I use the combined 2 in one Shampoo and conditioner both on my head and on my pubes and it is great. Drying them using a brush and comb they "fluff up" nicely. CheersFrank

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RE: use conditioner

I know you all talked about conditioner on pubic hairs. How about the armpit hairs? Does anybody put shampoo and/or conditioner on their armpit hairs?
Just curious.
(PS: Oh btw, I do have a group called PRIDE OF MEN'S ARMPIT HAIRS here. Please do consider joining.)

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RE:use conditioner

I do this to make them look really fluffy! Feels better too.

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