RE: Some nudity in public.......

Nudists have not been militant enough to arouse any interest among textilers. This is in contrast to homosexual promoters. I do question whether nudists should be as militant in promoting our issue. I am indeed in favor of allowing nudity anywhere, but it won't happen in my lifetime. Before the 2016 election, nudity certainly won't be allowed anywhere, because right wing conservatives now control both houses of congress. And right wing conservatives hope to control the president after 2016. Our nation is fast becoming a dictatorship ruled by billionaires who can buy our elections. If you are opposed to their agenda, it is extremely important that you vote during 2016. Getting back to the topic of nudism, right wing conservatives have the prejudice that nudity = sex. Also they are concerned about children seeing our nudity. Unfortunately too many parents are shielding their children against learning the facts about their bodies.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

Along with the post that I just now entered -- Americans who don't vote are sabotaging our democracy.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

surely acceptance of the human form in its natural state is a most desirablegoalisit that original sin was jealousywe are told that humans were comfortable nude until eating of the forbidden fruit. Did Satan corrupt humans by tempting humanity to be jealous and make odious the acceptance of god made beauty of the creation of the human form an acceptance of who we are and a rejection of data. Sorry that all sounds like a bible basher but my point is that if prudes have high jacked the faith then the more we as society accept the human form then the more we are promoting the rejection of evil.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

Totally agree with all of it. On top there were times when the true Olympic games were held in nudity! Was the normal case back then. I jost got this information as Stan Wawrinka (Tennis Pro) was posing nude in a sports magazine and this Olympic story came across. So here we go - nudity is getting popular I thinks as the media is picking up those stories. Clebreties are doing it - why shouldn't normal people like us doing it, even in public??

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

I, too, would like to see public nudity become more
acceptable in this country (USA) but the only way that will come about is if we
(nudists) stop hiding the fact we are nudists and become more public about our way of
living. We have to be the ones to start
the ball rolling as no one else has the incentive to do it for us.

I am currently living in a clothing optional community. We
have to be nude in the pools and hot tubs but other than those areas the choice
is ours to be nude or dressed

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

And the right wing , prudish , conservative lobby.Hey, not all Republicans are like that! I know a few Republicans that are nudists too.
The Republicans you know are not in law making positions.

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RE: Some nudity in public.......

Totally agree with all of it. On top there were times when the true Olympic games were held in nudity! Was the normal case back then.But the Olympics were all male with no females allowed anywhere near. They also considered thatexposing the penis head was indecent, which would cause a problem for anyone who is circumcised.

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