Our next nude gathering

Since the last gathering went so well, Matt and I would like to invite you to our house in East Haven this month so we can keep the group together and meeting up! We are thinking the afternoon of Saturday the 24th from 3 to 6. Please let me know if there is any interest in this date and we will put something together.

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RE: Our next nude gathering

I can join for part of it!

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RE: Our next nude gathering

Would like to come, but it's not a good day for me. Thanks for keeping the momentum going.

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RE: Our next nude gathering

At this point, I think I can.

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RE: Our next nude gathering

I'll be there, obviously. Lol

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RE: Our next nude gathering

sounds great!

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RE: Our next nude gathering

naked Cards Against Humanity?

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RE: Our next nude gathering

naked Cards Against Humanity?We do have the full set Joe so it is a possibility.

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RE: Our next nude gathering

OMG. I played that once (clothed, though). I laughed so hard, i thought I was going to have a stroke...

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RE: Our next nude gathering

It is an interesting way to get to know people. Lol

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RE: Our next nude gathering

I have only heard about Cards Against Humanity but have never played it. Would love to give it a shot...especially in a gathering of nude men!

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