Petition for a Beach

"I for one am saddened by news regarding the closing of any nude beach rather than the opening of new ones. Bird Island, located on the NC/SC state line, which is featured in the news article cited below was a beach which the anti-nudity laws were traditionally not enforced. I spent a very pleasant day, there, sunbathing and skinny dipping in the ocean. The beach was sparsely populated by nudists and textiles, alike. The textiles walking and bicycling by seemed not to notice our nudity.
I later learned that upon the complaint of a single individual, the county police were instructed to enforce an obscure state decency law.
Following this link will take you to the newspaper article which invites comments. Enough positive comments regarding nude/CO beaches could sway the press in our favor.
Think of this as a petition supporting Skinny Dipping. Last year there was a good deal of positive publicity in this area regarding the Record Skinny Dip.
Please click this link and make your comment.

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RE: Petition for a Beach - Bird Island

Since you would like to frequent the beach, you might want to contact Bob Morton, Executive Director of NAC.

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RE: Petition for a Beach - Bird Island

Since you would like to frequent the beach, you might want to contact Bob Morton, Executive Director of NAC.Cheri
Acting on your suggestion, I have done so. Waiting for a reply.

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RE: Petition for a Beach

This state is so backwards, we will never see a nude area. Maybe if a group were to buy some land on the beach and designate it as a nude area, and put up a bland that says nude area beyond this point.. I doubt that even that would sucks having to drive to Fla to be nude on the beach.. Joe and Pamela

Some interesting points! At the Nudists who would like anti-nudity laws changed or overturned group, we are looking for some answers. Why not post a copy over there?

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