nude experience at steam

The gym that I goes to has the facility of steam. As steam room etiquettes you are supposed to take shower after work out nd then use the steam room. I entered the steam room with just a towel on and sat there for a while. I felt the urge of getting fully naked and experience the steam on my whole body.
As it is if a person enters a steam room, he is unable to see anything for a few seconds and since people in the gym were very less today so I took the chance and open the towel and sat there naked. I was there naked for about 5 mins and those 5 mins were so relaxing. Nobody came though but even if someone would have entered, I would have had my own sweet time to cover myself as nudity is not so appreciated here. I wish to continue this is next coming days. Amazing experience. Felt so relaxed.

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RE: nude experience at steam

Steam room and sauna are the places where one is expected to be naked.

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RE: nude experience at steam

You have to carry a towel with you. But till the time no one is tgere , you can always enjoy a nice naked time there

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RE: nude experience at steam

I have done it many times in diff sauna/steam center in India. u r supposed to enter with a towel on...or accepted societal norm of behaviour. But then i stripped and people saw me. no one really minds if they see a guy nude in steam/sauna.

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RE: nude experience at steam

You have to carry a towel with you. But till the time no one is tgere , you can always enjoy a nice naked time thereI always go nude in a steam room or sauna. I suggestif it says to use a towel, carry the towel in and then sit on it. If you sense that the culture of this place is to display some modesty when walking to and from the steam room then lightly wrap the towel around your mid sectionuntil you get inside, whether alone or if there are others. If it is men only I see no problem with opening the towel and sitting on it fully nude. A steam bath and sauna are for bathing. It only makes sense to bathe your body in the nude. Any and every man in there has the same body parts as you and if looking at you as a naked man in their presence brings on some kind of discomfort they must feel the same discomfort in viewing their own naked body in a mirror.This is their discomfort. It does not have to be yours. If your nudity provokes some comments and you are asked to cover up you have the choice to do so or not, but it might be a good time to ask them what it is about nudity that offends. But it has nothing to do with you. It will be their issue.

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